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Board of Innovation (BOI), Belgium

Launching a new brand to embody BOI’s next big step.

Board of Innovation is a global innovation firm, imagining tomorrow’s products, services & businesses and creating them today. On its 13th year running, the company took their next big step to embody these shifts and rebrand themselves by collaborating with Design Studio, London.

The company formed an in- house rebranding team to associate with Design studio. I joined as the Junior designer to execute a comprehensive transformation of the brand across touch points specific to their Website , Miro tools, Google suite, print media and social media.


10 Months


Business design, Consulting, Innovation strategy


WordPress, Miro, Mural, Figma, Adobe Suite


10 Months


Business design, Consulting, Innovation strategy


WordPress, Miro, Mural, Figma, Adobe Suite

Roles and Tasks

It was essential to act as a bridge between the Business design and the Design department, aiming not only to execute the new brand guidelines, but also transform the function and performance of all its assets both digital and physical.

Innovation tool design

Revamp innovation tools in Miro to strengthen of virtual client collaboration.

Website design

Design assets, downloadable content & regulate brand during web development.

Graphic design

Implement new identity across publications, G- suite & art direction.

Brand regulation

Create tokens and conduct brand audits to maintain the new brand.

Rebrand roll- out

Create project timelines with the
rebranding team.

Client facing projects

Provide design services to BOI’s client facing project apart from rebranding.

Innovative Toolbox: BOI pioneered the world’s largest open-source digital innovation toolbox, helping companies turn visions into actionable projects.

The people at BOI harness the power of virtual collaboration to help their clients build, iterate and innovate faster.We aimed to revamp Miro client collaborations by merging our business and brand design expertise. Being a UI heavy ecosystem, we agreed that BOI’s Miro toolkit needs:

Streamlined experience

We had to analyze the user flow within Miro and understand the logic of tools used for tools for innovation strategy, project management, sustainability and design.

Scalability in Miro operations

Absence of standardized tools was a major obstacle for scaling operations. We had to pre-built design tokens and UI components for future tool construction.

Optimized brand guidelines

Design Studio’s deliverables excluded guidelines that worked around the functional constraints in Miro. Our team had to create new Miro-compatible guidelines.

Structuring a Design Language System (DLS) in Miro

Structuring a Design Language System (DLS) in Miro



Integrating BOI’s own Design Language (DSL) with Miro

After discussions with consultants and the design team, we created an easy-to-integrate library for BOI’s designers to use as their design inventory.


Static paper sheets v/s digital environments to experience

The old ecosystem was didn’t overcome the restrictions of virtual collaboration. New tools have been conceived with flexibility to create the best flow in navigation during
client sessions.


Keeping it intuitive

We designed a clean and logical layout for tools, considering the flow of information and activities within the template, keeping it organized and intuitive for users. We made sure to keep it highly functional for their specific use case.

The project led the team to create over 150+ tools in multiple formats including Miro, Mural and printables.

Website rebranding and campaign publications

I worked closely with the website development team to ensure a smooth integration of design assets into our company’s website. I took charge of creating new assets and rebranding existing ones for website use. Additionally, I designed publications that were launched on our website and also crafted downloadable reports.

Graphic design: Rebranding other assets and touchpoints

Graphic design: Rebranding other assets and touchpoints

Rebranding printable media

I designed printable materials (guides, cards, reports) to align with the new brand identity.The result was a collection of visually engaging and informative materials.

Redesigning Google workspace

BOI uses Google Workspace for efficient business operations. We redesigned their Google tools (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet) before launching the new brand.

Designing social media templates

We used Figma to create templates and tokens for BOI’s social media. These templates spanned various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


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